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Want to on clean up your email inbox?

Our world is more digital than ever, which means that digital communications and incoming emails are at an all-time high. The more emails you receive, the more email storage space they take up, and often messages that aren’t important enough to read in the first place.

If you’ve read this far, you’re probably among the many busy professionals who have a cluttered inbox but don’t know how to achieve Inbox Zero. Fortunately, there are unique and powerful software suites, as well as several helpful strategies you can take to clean up your inbox and avoid further overload. To that end, let’s cover some of those strategies below and discuss how you can keep your inbox organized for the long haul.

Here you can get 6 easy tips on clean up your email inbox.

Keep your inbox organized: why it matters

Before we talk about how to de-clutter your inbox and prevent it from getting too dirty, let’s quickly cover why it’s so important to keep an organized inbox.

The deciding factor between having a productive day and one that makes you want to pull your hair out can be an organized inbox. Having to deal with a crowded inbox makes it difficult for you to quickly locate messages that are important to you. To avoid this, make the most of your email threads. The more time you spend navigating a crowded inbox, the more deadlines you’re likely to miss.

However, if you work with an organized inbox, it becomes much easier to keep up with your workload and be more efficient and productive. All it takes to keep an organized mailbox is a few minutes of your time each day. After all, the last thing you want to encounter is the dreaded “Your storage is almost full” message just as you’re about to send the most important email of the day.

Set up weekly reminders

If your inbox is anything like other people’s inbox, it’s probably full of unread messages that you didn’t need to read in the first place. There is no point in keeping all those old emails taking up your storage, especially when there are emails in your inbox that you need to read.

This is where weekly reminders come in handy. Email reminder settings can help you schedule time to delete old emails each week. You can also delete emails that are a few weeks (or even months) old, which can go a long way in keeping your inbox clear of unnecessary messages. You’ll also benefit from having more space in your account in case you need to save more emails in the future.

Remember to unsubscribe

If your inbox is anything like other people’s inbox, it’s probably full of unread messages that you didn’t need to read in the first place. There is no point in keeping all those old emails taking up your storage, especially when there are emails in your inbox that you need to read.

This is where weekly reminders come in handy. Email reminder settings can help you schedule time to delete old emails each week. You can also delete emails that are a few weeks (or even months) old, which can go a long way in keeping your inbox clear of unnecessary messages. You’ll also benefit from having more space in your account in case you need to save more emails in the future.

Use tags to label emails

Any email organization system worth its salt must identify ways to mark emails with labels. Using tags to categorize emails as must-reads is essential if you need to stay on top of messages that require your immediate attention; It also makes it easy to know what emails to expect.

Using email labels may seem like a lot of work at first, but taking the time to set up an effective and optimized email labeling system will save you a lot of time down the road.

If you take the time to define and deploy an email classification system that can be used throughout your company, it can also be helpful to make other areas of your daily work life more efficient by setting up email filters. .

Use folders more often

Last but not least, do your best to organize your email inbox with folders. For many busy professionals, reaching the coveted “inbox zero” status is a pipe dream: many people can’t even remember the last time they reached the bottom of their inbox without any unread messages. If this sounds like you, then maybe you need some folders in your life.

Fortunately, it is possible to create custom folders and subfolders to improve the way your emails are categorized. You can set up custom folders that are parallel root folders for your email inbox and you can even set up hierarchically organized folders.

Once you have your emails organized into different folders, you’ll want to take the time to get rid of messages that are no longer relevant. Once that’s done, you’ll be on your way to work with a cleaner, more organized inbox.


Cleaning your email inbox can seem tedious and time consuming; It is true that it can be both if you do not have the proper motivation to drive it.

Taking the time to set weekly reminders, remembering to unsubscribe from newsletters you no longer read, using labels to categorize emails, and using folders frequently can go a long way in keeping your inbox clean and organized on a regular basis. We hope the above strategies will be helpful to you as you embark on your spring cleaning. Happy Inbox Zero!

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